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“I believe that whatever people sincerely think is precious”: Sawako Fukuoka on seeing the importance of heartfelt things, no matter how small, in Sumiko 22 スミコ22 [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2024 Interview]


The everyday interactions Sumiko Shizuoka has in the weeks before her 23rd birthday make up the content of Sumiko 22 , a slow-burn drama masked by quirky comedy.

A series of quietly funny sketches take place at an unhurried pace where her quirky sense of humour reframes the mundane into big questions of what she finds important while picking out oddities in life. At first glance, her experiences and hobbies seem simple and unimportant but they form the tapestry of a person trying to find themselves in a complex world. To underline this are darker passages of the character contemplating life, the sense of reflection being quietly conveyed with an emotionally moving performance from Haruna Hori in her first lead role in five years.

This is the work of Sawako Fukuoka who directed, wrote and edited this 65-minute indie. She is one half of the filmmaking unit Shidoromodori, a team she set up with Satsuki Hamada when the two attended Nihon University College of Art’s Department of Cinema. Their work together includes Toeyumoi (2021) and Mada Kimi o Shiranai (2023), neither of which I have seen but the trailers of both of which left me curious about these new names in Japanese indie cinema. Thus, I was excited to see director Fukuoka had a work at Osaka.

Director Sawako Fukuoka at work

Sumiko 22 had its World Premiere at the Osaka Asian Film Festival 2024, which is how this interview came about thanks to producer Jun Higeno. My thanks go out to him and director Shizuoka for this chance to find out more about the background of this quiet and moving film.


What inspired you to go into film?

I have loved thinking about stories since I was a child, and I had a vague idea that I wanted to work with stories in the future. At the same time, I also liked music and wanted to be involved in music, and I thought that I could do both in film, so I enrolled in a university with a film department.

Before entering the university, I was not sure that I wanted to pursue a career in film, but after entering the university, I encountered many films that I loved, and my desire to write and make films grew.


幼い頃から物語を考えることが好きで、漠然と物語を扱うことを将来の仕事にしたいと思っていました。同時に、音楽も好きで、音楽にも関わりたい と思っていたときに、映画ならどちらもできるのではないか と思い立って、映画学科のある大学に入学しました。

大学に入る前までは映画の道に進むことが自分の中で確信のあるものではなかったのですが、入学してからたくさんの大好きな映画に出会い、映画を書きたい、作りたい という気持ちが大きくなりました。


Can you explain how this project came about?

I started working for a company that had nothing to do with film right after I graduated from college, but I left that company after 4 months because I felt that now was the time for me to make an effort to do what I wanted to do. I started a new part-time job right after I resigned, and while I was living with various anxieties, I became very insecure about my own sense of self, just like Sumiko in the film. The script for this film was written while I was thinking about what I was thinking, what kind of films I liked and wanted to make, and what moved me in my heart on a daily basis. I think I wrote it as a kind of therapy for myself.

I decided to make a movie out of it, so I sent the script to Mr. Higeno, the producer of the film, who agreed to make the film with me, and the project began to move forward.


私は大学を卒業してすぐ映画とは関係のない会社に就職したのですが、今こそやりたいことをやるための努力をしなければという気持ちで4ヶ月でその会社を退職しました。退職してすぐ新しいアルバイトを始めて、色々な不安と共に生活を送っている中で、作中のスミコと同様に自分自身の感覚に対してとても不安になりました。自分は何を思っているのか、どんな映画が好きで、撮りたいと思っているのか、何に対して心を動かされるのか ということを日々の中で考えている中でこの映画の脚本が書き上がりました。自分に対するセラピーみたいな気持ちで書いていたと思います。



The film draws from your experiences so it could be said you followed the mantra of “write what you know.” Presumably the main character is a reflection of yourself? What made Haruna Hori the right choice for the lead role and how did you prepare her?

That’s right. I wrote the script based on my own diary. But I didn’t want to film myself, I wanted to film a person’s true thoughts and days. The person most familiar to me was myself, which means that I became the model for the events and feelings.

Haruna Hori is a fascinating person and actor, and I had one desire to work with her, but from the first time I met her, I had the impression that she had something in common with the Sumiko I had envisioned. I think it was the depth of her character. Another deciding factor was her attractive voice and way of speaking.

We had as much time as possible to meet with her, read the script, and talk about Sumiko before we started filming. But from the very beginning, she seemed to be relaxed and took on the film as herself. I felt that she was Sumiko!

この映画はあなたの経験をもとに描かれているので、知っていることを書く というマントラに従ったとも言えます。おそらく主人公はあなた自身の反映なのでは?堀春菜を主役に抜擢した理由と、どのような準備をしましたか?




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There’s a wonderful sense of ease between characters that creates a sense of safety for Sumiko. She can share food and videos with her room-mates and it feels like a warm sense of camaraderie exists. Can you explain a little about how you worked with the cast on set to get that sense of ease? Did you allow ad libbing, for example?

The scenes were carried out with small ad-libs. Since many of the cast and staff were of the same age, there was always a relaxed atmosphere on the set. Also, Satsuki Hamada, who played Hana, Sumiko’s roommate, is a member of the Shidoromodori unit, the same unit as mine, and she helped me understand a lot about this film and myself as we worked together. I feel that she, as Hana, actually brought the other cast members closer together and created the atmosphere of the scene.




There was a trend at this year’s OAFF amongst the films by female writer/directors that their narratives jumped from vignette to vignette and felt light but had a specific flow and a depth that hid behind events.

As the director, writer, and editor, can you talk about how you structured the film? How do you find the rhythm and know where to end a scene? Is it something you come on set prepared with or do you find it on set?

The tempo and order of the events that progressed by date were decided at the script stage. However, the end of each scene was decided during the editing process. Since most of the scenes in this film are connected to the daily life and the time that follows, each scene was performed longer than in the script, and we decided how much to leave out by looking at the overall balance of the film.





I really liked your use of cinematic language to convey information. The Sumiko hangover sequence where narration and the aspect ratio/shrinking screen size conveyed a poignant feeling of fading memories.

What sort of approach did you take to the visuals? Did you have storyboards worked out and stick to them?

I had a vague idea of what I wanted to shoot by writing the storyboards for all the scenes, but the final cut was decided on the actual site. I really liked the images taken by Motohiko Nakamura, who was in charge of photography, and his suggestions were always very good. He took my image and always suggested something better.

For the hangover sequence you gave as an example, I knew in advance that I wanted to reduce the size of the image and shoot it from a shaky, dazed perspective, and I ended up with the image as it was.






Were there any vignettes you had to cut out?

Few parts of the script were deleted from the completed film, but there is one part where we decided not to include the narration that we had originally planned to include. This is because we felt that Sumiko’s presence already conveyed the message without the narration saying anything.


脚本にあったもので完成した映画から削除されたものはほとんどありませんが、唯一、元々入れようと思っていた箇所にナレーションを入れないことにした部分が一つあります。映っているスミコの在り方から、言わなくても既に伝わっている と思えたからです。


What your audiences take away from this film?

I believe that whatever people sincerely think is precious.

I hope that looking at one person, Sumiko, will help you become more sensitive to what you are thinking.




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What was the audience reaction like for Sumiko 22?

I feel that the people of Osaka have met this film very warmly. I am glad that this film has left you and that you can feel it in many different ways. I hope that many more people will encounter it in the future.




What are you working on next?

I haven’t decided yet. But this time I want to tell an emotional story. I want to shoot the best scenes. And I want to continue making films that I love.

Thank you very much!



Sumiko 22 was screened at Osaka Asian Film Festival 2024 on March 06 and March 07.

You can read my review here.

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