Third Window Films are starting this year with something deliciously dark Greatful Dead, a film that was at the 2013 Raindance Film Festival where I didn’t get to see it but overheard numerous audience members raving (and I mean, they were getting hyper about the film and going into detail) about how good it is. I have a copy I’m writing a review for so you can find out what I think next Monday when its release on January 26th!
Here are the release details and a trailer:
A film by Eiji Uchida (Dead Banging, The Last Days of the World)
Japan / 2013 / 97 Mins / In Japanese with English subtitles / Colour
Starring: Kumi Takiuchi (The Ravine of Goodbye)
Takashi Sasano (Departures, Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai, Instant Swamp)
Kim Kkobbi (Breathless, Pluto)
On DVD & BLU-RAY January 26th
DVD/BLU-RAY Special Features:
Interview with director Eiji Uchida
Nami (Kumi Takiuchi) is a young woman with numerous hangups sprouting from a dysfunctional childhood. She inherits a small fortune that allows her to pursue various interests, many of which are highly abnormal. For example, Nami loves to spy on people who, not unlike herself, have gone crazy from loneliness. She calls these people “solitarians.” Perhaps due to a father fixation, her favourite spying targets are old men with stiff boners. One fateful day, Nami spies on an elderly gentleman (Takashi Sasano) watching porn DVDs at home. She soon transitions from a peeping tom into a full-fledged stalker.
In keeping with the fresh new films from Japan approach, Third Window Films has snagged a great title which was released in Japan in November last year which is where I snagged this trailer from.
Director, Eiji Uchida Biography
Eiji Uchida was born in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil which has continued to be an influence even after going back to Japan. In his twenties he worked as a journalist for Playboy magazine. After leaving that job he started working as a scriptwriter.
There are many works dealing with religion. The idea to start creating “GREATFUL DEAD” was difficult as movies with the theme of a religion are unpopular in Japan. However, Takashi Sasano, who is a very famous actor representing Japan in many internationally acclaimed films such as ‘Departures’ was happy with the script and chose to be in the film which allowed the film to progress to what it is today.