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Shun Nakagawa on Sayonara, Girls. 少女は卒業しない, Adapting Ryo Asai, the Honesty of Adolescence and Introducing a New Generation of Actresses


Sayonara, Girls., based on a series of short stories by Ryo Asai, is an understated and poignant drama of high school girls in Yamanashi prefecture saying goodbye to the loves, lives, and places they once new as graduation approaches, as does the demolition of their school. Little dramas unfold over four storylines during the last two days: Kyoko (Rina Komiyama) manages the final school concert; a loner named Shiori (Tomo Nakai) seeks to overcome her shyness; a basketballer named Yuki (Rina Ono) plans on going to Tokyo and will leave her boyfriend behind; and Manami (Yuumi Kawai) struggles with a trauma that hinders writing the school’s farewell speech and having to part ways with her boyfriend.

It sounds like small stakes stuff but the film is all about the observant camera  conveying the atmosphere of the school and picking up key details about the characters and subtle reactions to events. It all adds up to a greater emotional whole while the stories flow in and out of each other, relay style. When the farewell speech is reached and everything is clear, the impact of saying goodbye is tremendous.

Just after its screening at Japan Cuts 2024 and ahead of the film’s release on streaming site SAKKA, I asked Nakagawa about the mechanics of getting four stories into one compelling whole and performances from a new generation of talent to give the whole thing heart.

I found Sayonara, Girls. feels like this generation’s The Kirishima Thing (2012) in how it introduces viewers to rising talents only it is done with more realism.

I am familiar with Rina Ono and Yuumi Kawai from various works, but others were new to me. All, however, gave convincing and moving performances that felt natural and your direction picked out and highlighted their emotions with great sensitivity.

The cast gelled really well and gave the story a great emotional resonance. I felt that I had entered a world that was on the verge of ending and characters saying goodbye to that brief but important moment in their lives really struck my heart.

This isn’t your first film with a school setting. Kalanchoe and Sayonara, Girls. are both stories set in high schools. What do you think is the charm of that setting and what are the high school stories that have influenced you?

I feel that the message you receive from this generation of high school students strikes us in a more powerful way than that of other age groups. The words from those younger than high school students may be dismissed as childish or immature because of their lack of real-world experience. The words from those older than high school students may not be received as genuine, as people may suspect ulterior motives or calculation behind them. High school students are neither as naive as children nor as jaded as adults, and I find that particularly compelling about this generation.

One film set in a high school that had an influence on me was Hana and Alice, directed by Shunji Iwai. I was really impressed and inspired by its realistic portrayal of high school students, as if we were witnessing a slice of their everyday lives.













Your film is based on seven short stories written by Ryo Asai (The Kirishima Thing, Nanimono) that were published over a decade ago. How did you first come across these stories and why did you pick Asai’s work to adapt for your feature film debut?

I first learned about the original novel Shoujo wa sotsugyou shinai (Sayonara, Girls.) from a producer who had seen my previous film Kalanchoe. They felt that the novel and Kalanchoe shared a similar worldview and thought I would be a good fit to direct the film adaptation. After reading the novel, I agreed with what they said about the worldview. I felt I could contribute as a director, so I decided to take on the project.





Prior to Sayonara, Girls., you had just made mid-length works like Death with Dignity and Kalanchoe. What was the transition like to making a feature? How long was the production period? How big was your cast?

There were certainly practical differences in terms of the size of crew and the number of shooting days, but to put it the other way around, that was about the only thing that was different. I felt that the passion and eagerness from both cast and crew to take initiative and word toward a shared goal of creating something good were the same, no matter what the scale of the production.





Also, am I right in saying that you shot at a school, Did you have students and the local community supporting?

With Kalanchoe, we filmed at a high school that was in use, and we were able to get full cooperation and generous help from the school, not only for location but also for extras and props. There is a brass band practice scene at the beginning of the film. In the scene, the students playing instruments are the actual brass band members from the school we used as a location.

Sayonara, Girls., on the other hand, was shot at a school building that had been closed for over a decade, so we weren’t in a position to seek that kind of help from the school.





From what I understand about the stories, they are told from the perspective of seven girls but for the film, you narrow down the main protagonists to four. Could you talk about your writing process?

In the writing process, I wanted to carefully develop each character’s story and give each of them the attention they deserved. I felt that four characters were as many as the film could focus on to achieve that. That’s the biggest reason behind the decision to narrow it down from seven to four.





Considering the interweaving of different storylines, I have to ask if you stuck to your screenplay or did it come to the fore in the edit?

This style or structure was adopted at the script stage. In the original novel, the entire story takes place in one day, on graduation day, and is told from the perspectives of seven girls, with each of their stories told one by one in a relay style. So, if we had adapted that directly to a film, it would have felt more like a collection of short films rather than a single cohesive film.

As such, it was necessary in the writing process to rearrange the serialized stories into parallel narratives.

In the process of rearranging the stories, there were some parts that inevitably would not work as they were in the novel, so for those parts, I made changes that are original to the film adaptation.






Your cast is full of actors who are really making names for themselves. Everyone on the screen is pitch perfect in their roles.

When it came to the lead characters, can you explain the casting process you used? Did you write for particular actresses or did you host auditions?

For all the roles of the main characters, my producer gave me suggestions for casting, and it turned out that everyone suggested was exactly as I had imagined them for the characters. I was thrilled and offered them the roles.







What was it about Yuumi Kawai, Rina Ono, Tomo Nakai, and Rina Komiyama that caught your attention?

Ms. Kawai has a special presence that captures your gaze and doesn’t let it go. Just by being there, you cannot take your eyes off her, and because of this, you can clearly feel the subtlest emotions of the character she’s playing. She’s truly an amazing talent.

Ms. Ono’s charm is her unpredictability. She fully immerses herself in the character she’s playing and responds to each moment as she feels her character would. I was always curious about what she would do next, and I really enjoyed filming with her.

What I find fascinating about Ms. Nakai is her strong will and determination. She may appear quiet and reserved, but inside she’s tough and bold, with a mind that’s constantly active. It is very interesting to watch her, as you cannot help but imagine what she might be thinking at that moment.

What’s wonderful about Ms. Komiyama lies in her innocence. She was the youngest of the main cast (17 years old at the time of production), and her cheerful, genuine, and dedicated attitude created an incredible atmosphere on set.

Click to view slideshow.







How did you prepare your cast for their roles? For example, you shot at a school so did you have enough time in the production to get the cast to stay together for numerous rehearsals on site to create the feel of classmate camaraderie?

To tell you the truth, the production took place during the COVID pandemic, so it was impossible to plan sufficient opportunities for the cast to interact and bond with each other. Almost all of them had only one brief introduction meeting. The fact that the cast delivered such polished performances in the film despite the situation is nothing but a testament to their amazing talent. As the director, I am extremely grateful to them.





Each of the characters and side characters gets a fulfilling arc culminating with Kawai delivering Manami’s speech that encapsulates the joy and poignancy of being in a community and the emotional bonds made in a high school. When that is combined with the “goodbye” visuals of the girls going on their own paths and leaving the school behind, the film ends on an emotional high.

What was the energy like for that final moment in the gym with Kawai’s monologue? Was it the final scene that you and your team shot?

The scene where she reads her speech was indeed the final scene we filmed in the production. Because it was such a crucial scene, the atmosphere on set was tense. Ms. Kawai told me she wanted to do the take without any test or run-through. So, we shot the scene with no rehearsal whatsoever. What you see in the film is in fact that first take. I feel that this decision to shoot it with no rehearsal allowed us to capture an incredibly raw and powerful performance.






The English title is Sayonara, Girls. which has the feeling of a final goodbye to adolescence/the world of the high school (and the physical location of the high school itself). That full stop at the end gives it a finality.

The Japanese title translates as Girls Don’t Graduate, which could be interpreted as a sense that the girls will always have some aspect of them left in that high school. At a stretch, it could also be a plea from someone or something to keep the girls in an eternal youth.

What do you make of the English and Japanese titles and the differences?

I think that both the English and Japanese titles leave plenty of room for interpretation. The interpretation will vary depending on the person, but I personally believe that how a film should be perceived is entirely up to each audience, so I’m happy with playful titles like these.


—英語のタイトル「Sayonara, Girls.」は、青春や高校生活(そして高校というロケーションそのもの)への最後の別れを感じさせ、その終止符が物語の終わりを想像させます。

日本語のタイトルは「少女は卒業しない(Girls Don’t Graduate)」という意味で、少女たちの一部の側面は永遠に高校という場所に残り続けるという感覚が伝わるようにも思います。また、解釈を広げると、彼女たちを永遠の青春に引き留めようとする誰かや何かからの願いとも取れるかもしれません。




Sayonara, Girls. will be available to stream on SAKKA in North America, Europe, and Oceania from September 12.

Shun Nakagawa’s award-winning short film Kalanchoe will also be available to stream soon – stay tuned for a review!

This one will be worldwide, excluding Japan. People will be able to stream it for free from September 20th to the 30th. After that, Kalanchoe will be available on SAKKA for a fee.

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