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100 byou no Keno Kenka Battle Royale, Yamazato wa jizoku kanouna sekai datta, Everlasting 33 Mao Asada Ice Show, Last Hole, Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Dokokai Kanketsu-hen Chapter 1, Japanese Film Trailers


Welcome to the second of three trailer posts

All the Long Nights Film Image 4 R

The first part is here and the second part follows tomorrow.

I said that I’m taking things slow but now I am writing reviews in Japanese so things are going slower again. Sentences come fast (scrappy as they are) but then comes vocab and kanji lists as I turn them into study material!

What are the next bunch of films released?

100 byou no Keno Kenka Battle Royale    100 byou no Keno Kenka Battle Royale Film Poster R

100秒の拳王 ケンカバトルロワイアル 「100-byou no ken-o kenka batoru rowaiaru

Release Date: September 06th, 2024

Duration: 98 mins.

Director: Toshimitsu Chimura

Writer: Toshimitsu Chimura (Screenplay),

Starring: Tetta Seki, Naoki Takeshi, Louis Kurihara, Itsuji Itao, Issei Ibuchi, Harumi Shuhama,


Tetta Seki of the J-pop group “ONE N’ ONLY” takes on his first lead role in a film and it is in an action film made in cooperation with “Street Fight Battle Royale,” what looks to be a sort of MMA-like/lite fighting event which you can watch on YouTube.

Synopsis: Takashi was not put on a family register (a sort of birth certificate) when he was born so he legally doesn’t exist and cannot prove his existence. Under this condition, he takes part in a street fighting tournament to makes something of himself.

Yamazato wa jizoku kanouna sekai datta    Yamazato wa jizoku kanouna sekai datta Film Poster R

山里は持続可能な世界だった 「Yamazato wa jizoku kanouna sekai datta

Release Date: September 06th, 2024

Duration: 84 mins.

Director: Masaki Haramura

Writer: N/A

Starring: N/A


Synopsis: This documentary acts as a record of life in farming and mountain village before the economic boom of the 1960s. The black-and-white photos and interviews with people who were alive back then tell of how villagers lived in harmony with the environment and what their communities were once like when there were jobs like blacksmithing and charcoal making, and also traditional forestry techniques. The film also looks at how government and businesses have devastated forests and led to the decline of mountain villages.


Everlasting 33 Mao Asada Ice Show      Everlasting33 Mao Asada Ice Show Film Poster R

浅田真央アイスショー「Everlasting33」 「Asada Mao Aisu Sho- “Everlasting 33”

Release Date: September 06th, 2024

Duration: 126 mins.

Director: Mao Asada

Writer: N/A

Starring: Mao Asada, Yamato Tamura, Ryo Shibata, Haruka Imai, Nagisa Koyama,


Synopsis: Figure skater Mao Asada retired from her competitive career in 2017 and has toured in live ice skating shows nationwide as a professional figure skater. This film is a 4K presentation of her third show, “Everlasting33,” which took place at Tachikawa Stage Garden in Tokyo in June 2024, and viewers will see how it incorporated aerial dance and tap dance and live orchestral music.


Last Hole      Last Hole Film Poster R

ラストホール 「Rasuto Ho-ru

Release Date: September 06th, 2024

Duration: 71 mins.

Director: Mitsuki Akiba

Writer: Mitsuki Akiba (Screenplay),

Starring: Mitsuki Akiba, Soichiro Tanaka, Yohta Kawase, Yuki Takao, Takuji Suzuki,

Website Twitter: @Lasthole_1209

Actor Mitsuki Akiba makes her directorial debut with this semi-autobiographical story of a young woman dealing with the loss of her father,

The film won the Kinemeister Award at the 17th Tanabe-Benkei Film Festival. Since it won an award at Tanabe-Benkei, it will be one of a number of that fest’s awardees to get screened at select cinemas over the next couple of months as part of the “Tanabe-Benkei Film Festival Selection 2024” programme.

Synopsis: A dancer named Atata stops dancing and when she realises that she has to face the death of her father, Yohei. She embarks upon a road trip with her childhood friend Sousuke, following a list of places written in a note left by Yohei. During their journey, the two find discover a new side to the man.


Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Dokokai Kanketsu-hen Chapter 1   

Love Live Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Dokokai Kanketsu-hen Chapter 1 Film Poster R

ラブライブ!虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会 完結編 第1 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Dōkōkai Kanketsu-hen Dai 1-sho

Release Date: September 06th, 2024

Duration: 60 mins

Director: Tomoyuki Kawamura

Writer: Jin Tanaka (Screenplay), Hajime Yatate (Original Creator),

Starring: Aguri Onishi (Ayumu Uehara), Akari Kito (Kanata Konoe), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Coco Hayashi (Setsuna Yuki),

Animation Production: Sunrise

Website Twitter: @Nijigaku_movie ANN MAL

This is the first of a film trilogy building off a TV anime, the first season of which aired in 2020 and the second season aired in 2023.

Synopsis: The Nijigasaki High School Idol Club receives an invitation to the “School Idol GPX” contest. They head to Okinawa and must compete individually through performances distributed via app. One person, Ayumu, has complex feelings about competing against her fellow club members.

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