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“Could a film exist with ‘nothing’ there?”: Junko Emoto on Applying Theatre Rules in Film for her Sophomore Feature It Must Be Love 愛の茶番 [Osaka Asian Film Festival 2024 Interview]


It Must Be Love is theatre and film director/writer Junko Emoto’s follow-up to her debut, The Extremists Opera (2016). While her first film was a semi-autobiographical title about the fireworks felt by the members of an all-female fringe theatre troupe, this one is an experiment in combining cinema (camera and editing) and theatre (live performance) in an egalitarian project.

With wit and elan, Junko Emoto turns what might be laborious experience into .


The story concerns Rumi (Runa Endo) and her love for Ryosuke (Ryo Iwase), a rogue who has strung along Rumi’s sister Aki (Ami Tomite) and a woman named Rie (Yuki Sugawara). And then there are the people around them who fall for each of the women. Drama ensues over seven years.

On paper, the story of seven years spent watching the relationships, affairs, and breakups featured in It Must Be Love sounds complicated to track and onerous to watch but Emoto makes the film a breeze and a joy to watch.

Her technique?

A cut-up narrative.

What viewers get is a collage of scenes and sequences from different times and perspectives. These are stitched together and provide a highlight reel of the bitter and brutal moments of these relationships. They are performed by a cast made up of “creators” and the “audience” who synthesised acting, scenario, and shooting ideas on the fly, all while on a stage littered with props that allow viewers to use their imaginations to dress places up. The final result is an absolute riot that bounces along to the energy and spontaneity of improv theatre. With an emotional intensity set to max, expect lots of laughter (and maybe moments of hiding behind your seat out of sheer embarrassment) as toe-curling and cringe-inducing humiliations, betrayals, and grudges are played out by a cast committing to the bit with such gusto and bravery that you will be bowled over.

As the film receives screenings in the Indie Forum section of the 19th Osaka Asian Film Festival, Emoto has kindly taken the time to give the details on her project, including how she utilised theatre and cinema techniques to make the film and how she got her cast and crew to work together, and the issue with love driving everyone loopy.

Junko Emoto and collaborators on set

What was your inspiration for making this film?

After directing my debut film, ‘ The Extremist’s Opera,’ with funds provided by a producer, I decided my next project would be independent. In 2019, a few years later, Ryo Iwase, who would become a creator and actor for this project, said, ‘I’m borrowing a camera from my friend, why don’t we shoot something?’ This was the catalyst for me stepping into the quagmire. It was a challenge to see how far we could go in making a movie in a DIY style without professional technicians. Like my previous theater productions, I believed there was significance in discovering an original methodology with each project rather than following an existing one. This approach was incredibly inefficient, but I was fed up with environments where choosing efficiency led to the death of the human spirit, so I practiced choosing the inefficient path as a form of resistance.


「初監督作『過激派オペラ』を、プロデューサーが用意してくれた資金で撮らせてもらった後で、次は”自主制作”だと決めていました。数年後の2019年に、今作の作り手兼出演者の岩瀬亮が言いました。「いま友達からカメラを借りてるんだけど、何か撮らない?」 これがタイミングとなり、この沼に足を踏み入れました。プロフェッショナルな技術者の手を借りず、どこまでDIYスタイルで映画を撮れるか?という挑戦です。当時の自分の演劇づくりもそうでしたが、すでにある方法論をなぞっていくのではなく、作品を作るごとに、オリジナルの方法論を発見していくことに意義があると考えていました。それは実に非効率ですが、効率的な方法を選ぶことで人の心が死んでいくような現場にうんざりしていたので、抗いの意味で、非効率な道を選ぶことを実践していました」

In terms of sets and locations, it feels like watching a play live on stage. Where did you get the idea of staging the film this way?

Initially, I had almost no knowledge about directing films or film shooting. In this DIY film production from scratch, the only material I could prepare was ‘the structure of theater.’ I brought two main aspects of theater structure into this film.

One was the approach to set design. As a DIY project, I wanted to keep material costs low and utilized the ‘convenience of theatrical expression.’ Theater can exist without physically constructing sets; rooms can form without walls, and doors can be suggested, all through the audience’s imagination. I wondered if the same could apply to films—could a film exist with ‘nothing’ there? Half jokingly, half hopefully, we tried it. While shooting, we laughed, wondering, ‘Is this movie going to be okay?’ when creating scenes like bridges using ladders. The scenes with cars were particularly funny, with chair seats representing steering wheels. There was a mix of nervous laughter and a determined ‘let’s make this work’ attitude.

Another aspect was ‘the presence of the audience.’ The film includes spectators who witness the characters’ time. We invited ‘audiences’ not as mere viewers but to participate in the creation process, asking them, ‘Would you like to create with us?’ Their presence served a narrative purpose, resembling indifferent ‘gods,’ involved with the characters in an irresponsible manner (although this intention is one of the subtler elements).




 もうひとつは、「観客の存在」です。この映画は、登場人物たちの時間を目撃している「観客」が映っています。この映画撮影には「観客」を呼んでいました。しかし、ギャラリー(/見物人)としてではなく、作品の当事者になってもらう目的で「ともに作りませんか?」と誘いました。 そして観客の存在は、物語の上では、人物たちに無責任に関わっている「よろずの神」のような意図をもたせました(この意図はとても伝わりにくいエッセンスのひとつですが!)。」

The story structure is non-linear as it jumps back and forth in time and between different characters. The plot is relatively simple but the story does have a complicated arrangement. Can you explain how you structured it in the writing and editing phase?

During shooting, I prepared a simple plot and character backgrounds, and scenes were created through the actors’ improvisation. Before deciding on a scene, we rehearsed with the actors and then asked the audience, ‘How could this scene become interesting?’ Based on their feedback, we made decisions on direction and acting. The audience changed daily, so continuity wasn’t a priority. We aimed for what was interesting for the people gathered each day, resulting in pieces that made up most of the film’s material, albeit disjointed. In editing, faced with these pieces,I asked, ‘How should I cook this?’ and started reshaping the script without being too tied to the original plot. The script was deconstructed and rearranged during editing, focusing on three women, Rumi, Aki, and Rie, as the main axis. However, connecting their stories clearly was challenging due to the nature of the materials. Instead of editing to convey the narrative, I chose cuts that better communicated the rawness of theatrical time. This continues to be a point of contemplation for me as a filmmaker.



 それから編集段階になり、集まった素材を前にして「どうやって調理しよう?」と、脚本(物語)を作り変えていきました。予定していたレシピ(もともと用意していたプロット)になるべく囚われないように。 その脚本も、編集しながら再度バラしたり、入れ替えたりして、現在の構成になっています。ルミ、アキ、リエの三人の女性を主軸に物語を進めていくことを決めたものの、それらをわかりやすくつないでいくことは素材の特性上困難です。結果、物語を伝えるための編集ではなく、演劇の時間としての生々しさがより伝わるようなカットを選んでいきました。しかしそれが、映画としてどうなのか? わたしはこれからも悩み続けるところです」


There is a lot of handheld camerawork and a lot of edits within scenes to catch the action from different participant’s POVs. Can you talk about your visual design choices and your use of cinematic language?

The presence of multiple camera works simultaneously was due to a policy of having ‘audience’ members present during the shooting also take footage. Anyone who wanted to film could do so from any position they liked. Thus, several consumer cameras were always shooting the scene simultaneously. Among the cuts chosen for editing, many included shaky footage or were not fully focused. Given the unconventional approach to filmmaking, lamenting over technically flawed cuts is hardly the point.

Instead of presenting perspectives solely for the director’s expression, the goal was to showcase the multitude of free and diverse viewpoints from the participating audience as much as possible.

I approached the assemblage of characters from my perspective with the intention of collaging the creativity that overflowed from all participants. It was precisely because my film language was vague that I think I was able to make such a choice.

I’ve sometimes thought that theater and film are diametrically opposed in their approaches to form creation and their ultimate expressions. However, I believe that both strive to create a fiction that is perilously close to being ‘real/truth/factual/authentic.’ During this process, What I aim for is not mere fiction, but fiction that feels 99% ‘real.’

In theater, I’ve explored how far one can encroach the ‘edge’ between fiction and reality. While theater tends to prioritize a sensation closer to ‘reality’ (live), I now think it might be better for film to lean slightly more towards the ‘fictional.’ In this movie, choosing improvisation as a directorial technique for actors was a very theatrical achievement. For my next project, I intend to focus more on results and expressions unique to film.”


多くのカメラワークが同時に存在するのは、撮影に居合わせた「観客」にも撮ってもらう方針があったからです。その都度回したい人が好きな位置から捉えていました。何台かの民生カメラが、常に同時に回っていました。編集時に選択したカットの中には、手ブレや、フォーカスしきれてないものも多く存在します。まず映画の撮り方からむちゃくちゃですので、技術的にうまくいっていないカットを悔やんでいる場合ではない、とも言えます・・ 監督の表現のための視点ではなく、参加した観客からのマルチで自由な視点がたくさん存在することを、なるべく提示しようとしました。






Writer/director Junko Emoto at the centre of the action

The onlookers created a really interesting dynamic regarding observation. It made the confrontations, confessions, and conflicts between the characters really excruciating to watch as it generated the feeling of being in the public sphere. It also reminded me that people in love lack self-awareness because of the extreme highs and lows that the emotion can bring. Onlookers are often objective and can have a clearer view of what is going on.

This answer overlaps with the previous one, but the “spectator” acts like an indifferent ‘god of a thousand,’ generally uninvolved and irresponsible. Yet, occasionally, they do take responsibility. It’s akin to the sense of distance we maintain when interacting with others in our daily lives.

In theater, the “stage” forces us to confront this sense of distance in detail, whether we like it or not. While film dilutes the directness found in a “stage” setting, the ability for works (and their creators) to interact with audiences (as other individuals) at any place and without time constraints is, indeed, fantastic.




I believe that you worked with non-professional actors as well as professionals. How did the non-professional participants help out?

First, we didn’t distinguish between professionals and non-professionals, but rather recognized the difference in roles as “creators” (who were originally preparing the film) and “audience” (who visited the set on the day). The “creators” were primarily composed of professional actors. There was one professional on the film set, but his expertise was in directing. There were no technical experts. The professional actors were responsible not only for acting but also for handling the camera, lighting, and sound. The “audience” members blended with the “creator” team and participated in the shooting together. There were days when professionals were among the audience, including professional actors, cameramen, and art directors. We started by accepting each other’s participation approaches beyond the relationship between “creators” and “audience,” mixing professionals and non-professionals. Some people went to sections they were good at, while others challenged sections they had never experienced before. Sometimes, they were just there to watch the scenes. That’s when they existed as onlookers in this film. Apart from that meaning, we also asked for their participation as actors.

However, it was decided that the main characters of the story would be played by the actors among the “creators.” In many cases, the “audience” participated as performers in roles that appeared in the plot but had no assigned actor, or mainly as extras in the scenes. Through rehearsals open to anyone, new roles were created. Many “audience” members who suddenly became actors are featured in this film. (Finally, we have reached the question!)

This film was mostly created through improvisation by the actors. Improvisation has the advantage of leaping into moments that can never be reached by fixed scripts or lines, but it also carries the uncertainty that comes with freedom. The pressure and exhaustion of the professional actors who participated daily accumulated. Often, we were saved by the lightness of the non-professionals who suddenly appeared, unbound by anything. It was very good that they brought in unimaginably different actions into situations that tended to become too homogeneous and stagnant, stirring up the atmosphere.






What methods did you use to get the professionals into their various roles?

During the shooting, there was one professional from the directing department named Akihito Kajiya. Thanks to him, the chaotic set was somewhat organized. It was a set where basic aspects such as data management and equipment handling were overlooked.

It was an adventurous creation that set out to sea in a muddy boat, but he provided an objective view of the dangers and guided us towards a course that wasn’t overly erroneous.

As for post-production, I proceeded with DIY until offline editing, but introduced professionals for color grading, sound editing, and online editing. Working with them made me further realize the recklessness and rashness of our previous DIY approach. And also the meaning of “roles”.




How did you approach rehearsals and working on sets with both sets?

First, I must admit that I am an amateur in filmmaking myself. I tried to engage on the same perspective as the participants, aiming for a relationship of equality through the process of creating the work. I was striving for a space of creation where there could be equality without the divide between amateurs and professionals.

However, when shooting began, I started with the role of a ‘director,’ while the non-professional participants started from the position of ‘audience.’ At one point, a participant said, “Even when I try to think freely, I end up thinking of ideas that would help the ‘director’s’ vision first. It’s impossible to be truly equal.” This contradiction troubled me a bit. After all, this experimental action was initiated by me, so it’s true that I hold all the responsibility. My very proposal to ‘be equal’ was, in essence, losing its equality.

This might be more about being a ‘stage director’ than a ‘director.’ Being in this position, it’s easy to think of oneself as the center, not to lead but to have a better view of the surroundings. This realization made me mindful not to make this mistake.

My role was more of a bridge between actors and audience, similar to an MC. The ideal was to connect everyone’s creativity, but capturing those moments without technical skills was challenging. Missing a once-in-a-lifetime scene was a regrettable moment when professional skills were dearly missed. 








Do you have a favourite character out of everyone?

My fave is Mr.Energy Bar! um..nope,

Rumi, Aki, and Rie. I wish them happiness. “




Lastly, what do you think love is?

The flaw in love is that it can nurture ego. To continue enjoying life with loved ones, it’s necessary to cultivate a less egoistic form of love—this effort, I believe, is what love is all about.




Also, that song by Aki that plays in the end credits is a lot of fun.

The song was written and composed by Ami Tomite, who played Aki. I only told her we would shoot a live scene. She started singing imprompt with a college notebook in hand during the shoot. The hilarity of Aki performing live without music was tragic, so we had Hyouri Takahashi dress up the music for the film.

‘End credits should be ridiculously poppy,’.

It took many twists and turns to complete, but this idea has never changed. Wouldn’t it be perfect for the aftertaste of this cringe-comedy






It Must Be Love was screened at Osaka Asian Film Festival 2024 on March 03 and March 06.

You can read review here.

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