Sae Suzuki’s career as a filmmaker began when she enrolled in the Department of Body Expression at Rikkyo University and studied directing under director/critic Kunitoshi Manda. She then went on to study film directing under Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Nobuhiro Suwa at the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts and her graduation film My Identity (2019) was selected for the Busan International Film Festival 2019 and Japan Cuts 2020. She is currently making films as a freelancer and her latest work Strangers played at Osaka Asian Film Festival 2022.
Strangers is a melancholic but hopeful short film about people wrestling with experiences of sexual harassment, negative thoughts on gender and sex, and suffering in silence. Manami Usamaru of Sisterhood (2019) fame plays Yukie, a dental nurse from a rural town who flees her workplace with the clinic’s cash following sexual assault from her boss. A train transition leads her and us to Tokyo where she can be free to do as she pleases and so she changes her appearance and personality and meets up with a guy named Minato (Akihiro Yamamoto) who offers her day of non-judgemental companionship that allows her to process her negative feelings. It turns out that he has trauma of his own and together, as strangers, they offer each other hope for a new life.
The film comes at an interesting time as people in Japan take to SNS to talk more openly about difficult subjects like discrimination and harassment. Through excellent use of visuals and performers, Sae Suzuki allows audiences to enter into these difficult topics with a very thoughtful and beautiful film.
I would like to thank Sae Suzuki for delivering this interview in both English and Japanese and the efforts of Osaka Asian Film Festival staff for facilitating the interview.
The Japanese-language interview is followed by the English.
幸恵はステレオタイプなハラスメントを受け苦しんでいる人物にしたいと考えました。それはハラスメントを受けている(あるいは悩みを抱える)多くの人に何かしらの共感をもって幸恵を見て欲しいと思ったからです。日本では男女差別が根強く残っています。最近ではS N Sで声を上げる方も増えましたが、声をあげれば批判も生まれてしまいます。勇気のいることだと思います。多くの人が声を上げることができず、自分が我慢することでやり過ごしているのではないでしょうか。幸恵もまたそんな1人です。人に言えない自分を責めないでほしい。決して自分だけではないのだというメッセージを込めて幸恵という人物を描きました。
Thank you for making the film and looking at the interview questions.
Strangers comes at an interesting time in Japan where people in the film and media industry are speaking out and writing about topics like #MeToo, power/sexual harassment. You handle them in a very empathetic and well-shot film with these topics as a subtext that is explored.
Can you explain a little about why you wanted to become a filmmaker?
Since I was a child, I liked to immerse myself in ‘stories’. It wasn’t limited to films, but novels, comics, cartoons, anime, anything. I was happy with the time I could escape from the real world, and whenever I got bored, I always played with fantasies in my mind. Around the time I became a high school student, I began to vaguely feel that I wanted to create something for people who wanted to escape from reality and seek salvation in a story. In high school I wrote scripts for radio plays, but I felt the limits of the world I wanted to tell stories through sound alone, so I decided that I wanted to make a film when I went to university. At university, I met many great films and directors, and after discovering the depth of ‘directing’, I began to aspire to become a film director.
Can you talk about why you wanted to make this film? Where did the story come from?
This work was born out of my own experience of not being able to recognise that my friend was suffering. People have many relationship and work problems. However, the bigger the problem, the more courageous it may take to confide in family and friends. I think that many ties such as one’s personality, pride, shame social expectation, and public image get in the way. I myself am often tormented by these ties. I thought that if I could spend a pleasant holiday with someone who doesn’t know anything about me at such times, it might be a relief for my heart. I also wanted to make a film that would encourage people who are currently struggling to escape to find someone who shares their pain with them.
Yukie seems to be symbolic of a certain type of young working woman in Japan but still comes across as a real living person. Her aspirations and the situations she finds herself in are easy to relate to. What ideas did you have that went into the design the character?
We wanted Yukie to be a person suffering from stereotypical harassment. This is because I wanted many people who are (or have been) harassed to look at Yukie with some sympathy. Gender discrimination persists in Japan. Recently, more and more people have raised their voices in S N S, but if you raise your voice, you will also generate criticism. I think it takes courage. Many people are unable to speak up, and I think they are passing the time by putting up with it themselves. Yukie is one such person. I don’t want them to blame themselves for not being able to speak up. I depicted the character of Yukie with the message that it is not just you, but many people together in that too.
Manami Usamaru is an actor/model on the rise. She gives a very sympathetic and restrained performance that holds attention. What was it about Manami Usamaru that made her the right fit for the role and how did you work with her on set? Also, was there any special meaning to the name Hikari?
I got to know Ms.Usamaru at Busan International Film Festival, which I had previously attended. In the process of revising this script, I naturally and on my own accord wrote the role of Yukie for her. At first I fell in love with her eyes with their languor and desire. Also, when I met her in person, I felt the danger and beauty in the way she moved with a unique tempo and wavering motion. I offered her the role because I thought it was essential for Yukie to have this presence in order to make the character convincing when she is projected on the screen.
On set, we basically just confirmed Yukie’s feelings for each other, and didn’t really develop her role. I thought that Yukie was just the way she was, so I didn’t want to add too much, but rather worked on eliminating what was unnatural for Ms.Usamaru.
It has no special meaning. I named her like that because I thought it was a bright name associated with hope.
Setting is important in this film. The area that Yukie comes from could be somewhere countryside like Gunma, a place that has restrictions and few attractions, and then she goes to Tokyo, a place which has a similar draw like New York, a powerful force for a young person like Yukie. There is also the aquarium in which the subtext of the film is brought out in the conversation Yukie has with Minato. Can you talk about the locations you selected?
The town where Yukie was is surrounded by mountains. I wanted it to be a closed place with no escape. It was also for the same reason that I put up an aquarium. The fish swimming in the aquarium looked like they were suffocating. I thought both Yukie and Minato are now trapped in the tank. I chose this location because I thought it was the perfect location for both of them as they head out to sea.
At one moment in the aquarium, the thoughts of the characters are narrated. A common interpretation is that this is them achieving a sort of connection. It could also be a projection of Yukie’s mind as she feels a connection.
Right. I think the aquarium is a special time for both of them. It’s a scene that brings their hearts closer together. I think they see themselves as they see the fish.
Why make Minato’s ex-girlfriend bisexual? Was this a reference to changing approaches to sexuality and challenging Minato to accept something different in a person?
Sexuality is slowly diversifying in Japan. As for me, of course I believe that people of all sexualities should be recognised. However, there are still many people who cannot accept such changes. I don’t think all those people are evil. I think it is difficult to change the ‘normal’ that we have lived with for many years. I made Minato’s girlfriend bisexual because I believe that while each person’s individuality should be recognised, people who are confused by change should also not be criticised.
The film ends with strong imagery of sunrise and a red dress. Where did it come from?
The last scene signifies rebirth. I think red is the colour of blood. Sunrise has the image of a reset in my mind. It is the beginning and the end. I thought the sunrise was the best way to depict the moment when Yukie’s mind was reset.
I hope that Yukie can escape her situation back “home.”
You can read my full review of Strangers here.